The Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Strategic Planning Sessions.

So, the big dilemma that I get asked when dealing with my Strategic Planning clients before we embark on a Strategic Plan is - Do we use a virtual meeting program like Google Meet for our sessions? Get the Strategic Planning committee together for a mini-strategic planning conference? Or do we do a bit of both? These are great questions, and the answer really differs between organizations and their unique wants and needs. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of both strategies.

Since the pandemic, the way the world has traditionally done business has changed immensely. More companies want to be more efficient, and time has become more valuable than ever. Platforms like Zoom, Google Meet and Teams have made it very easy and efficient for companies to conduct virtual meetings. These meetings have become extremely common and are now very acceptable in the business world.

In the Strategic Planning Industry, many Strategic Planning Facilitators and Organizations are using virtual meetings to conduct their entire plan from start to finish. So, what are the advantages of conducting your Strategic Planning Sessions through a platform like Google Meet? It’s quite evident that there can be an enormous cost savings to your company by using technology. Your organization could potentially save thousands of dollars in flights, motels, hall rentals and food to get everyone together. These cost can be exorbitant and can lead to unnecessary expenses in tough times. I would estimate that in the USA, or Canada 75% to 80% of your total cost could lead to these extra expenses.

Virtual Strategic Planning Sessions can also be more time efficient for your company. In this fast-moving world, time is valuable, and by cutting down on travel time, organizations will have more time to focus on other tasks relating to their business. Virtual sessions also give organizations more flexibility on when, and where, they can conduct their sessions, which can also be advantageous. It’s common for businesses to have several shorter virtual meetings spread out over several weeks instead of cramming sessions into a two, or three-day period. Many companies also have multiple locations and virtual meetings makes it convenient to get all their stakeholders together - whether they are working in Florida, California, New York, Seattle, Paris, London, Vancouver, or Calgary. Virtual Meetings make it that much easier.

There are certainly some irreplaceable advantages for Organizations that conduct their Strategic Planning Session in-person. There is nothing that replaces human interaction and the team building aspects of a productive in-person Strategic Planning Session. Strong relationships can be formed, and constructive discussion are more apt to take place when a group gets together for some good break-out sessions. As a Strategic Planning Facilitator, I personally have found in-person session are easier to keep everyone more engaged and involved in the process. These sessions can also lead to exceptional team building periods that can give your organization tremendous momentum and buy-in from the entire staff. It’s common for the Strategic Planning process to get stuck, or at times it can get off track. In-person sessions are very advantageous to talk through issues and keep the process moving in a positive way. Since the pandemic, businesses have lost a bit of their in-person human edge, which can be instrumental in developing deep work relationships and building a masterful Strategic Plan for your organization.

There’s also the final option of mixing both in-person and virtual sessions together to get a really nice balance to your Strategic Planning sessions. By combing in-person meetings, and virtual sessions, your organization is getting best of both worlds

Virtual Strategic Planning sessions are very common in today’s new world and can provide substantial cost and time savings along with some added flexibility. In-person Strategic Planning Meetings offer human connectivity, and a tremendous platform to build team. So, the conclusion is - they both have their advantages. As a Strategic Planning Facilitator, I’m just thrilled that your organization is looking at doing a Strategic Plan that will help you find your way. Whether it’s virtually, in-person, or a mix of both, a solid strategic plan will be your official roadmap that will help your organization set exciting strategic objectives that will give your business clear direction for the future.